I want calculate the ADC Conversion time:
In the RM is this formula:
ADC TOTAL CONVERSION TIME = Sample Phase Time (set by SMPLTS + 1) + Hold
Phase (1 ADC Cycle) + Compare Phase Time (8-bit Mode = 20 ADC Cycles, 10-bit
Mode = 24 ADC Cycles, 12-bit Mode = 28 ADC Cycles) + Single or First continuous
time adder (5 ADC cycles + 5 bus clock cycles).
When I have 8 ADC Chanels in Back to Back mode, must I add the Single or First continuous
time adder (5 ADC cycles + 5 bus clock cycles) once or eight times to calculate the complete Conversion time?
I would calculate for the 8 ADC Conversions so:
Sample Phase Time (set by SMPLTS + 1) *8
+ Hold Phase (1 ADC Cycle) *8
+ Compare Phase Time (12-bit Mode = 28 ADC Cycles) )*8
+ Single or First continuous time adder (5 ADC cycles + 5 bus clock cycles) *??(1 or 8).
BR Lutz
What if the adc is configurated for averaged samples? That time will be (5 ADC cycles + 5 bus clock cycles) * 8 channels * num of averaged samples ??
Thank you.
Hi Jorge,
where I can find in data sheets the values for ADC cycles + bus clock cycles in order to get a numerical conversion time figure ?