Mcl Limitations
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for s32k388 :
I need to use 10 Flexio channels for UART and I2C
so I need 10 MCL channels but I have limitations of MCL channels (8 channels only)
so Is it mean I can use 8 channels of Flexio only ?
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Below is the number of timers and shift registers available on the FlexIO peripheral on the S32K388. The number of pins that the FlexIO has access to is 32 but it does not represent the number of timers and registers that are available.
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Hi @NermeenShaban,
Currently, the driver supports only channels 0 through 7 for FlexIO, even though the reference manual states the 32 FlexIO channels:
The drivers may not encompass the whole limitations of the MCU, for which further implementation must be based on the client's side.
Best regards,