when i set FlexSAM to traditional SRAM and erase all flash memory, SRAM boot and when call the following code, why the address 0x6000 is always 0xFFFFFFFF?
whether is it wrong way to use the function FLASH_DRV_ProgramSection?
I expected 1024 data can be write to flash memory by call function FLASH_DRV_ProgramSection.
for(i= 0; i< 1024; i++)
*(uint8_t *)(0x14000000 + i) = sourceBuffer[i % 255];
ret = FLASH_DRV_ProgramSection(&flashSSDConfig, 0x6000, 1024);
wish your help
Hello Kui Wu,
If you look at the description of this command it explains the previous steps you need to do before calling this command:
Also, remember that the sector size is 2KB.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon