Error during flash programming,S32K144
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Dear All,
I got a problem when I was writing the Bootloader of S32K144,I couldn‘t download my program with the Multilink Universal, the error was:
"Error during flash programming, Terminating debug session".
I opened the PEMicro debug configuration and select"Emergency Kinetis Recovery using mass erase"in Debugger tab, but it still didn't solve the problem, I meet the problem on two S32K144 board.
Thank you!
Linghou Zeng

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Hi Linghou,
Your console output shows the following error message:
Error! CRC Command Timed Out
Command is inactive for this .ARP file.
This can happen if your MCU resets while the algorithm is trying to perform an operation.
Please send us an email to with a summary of your complete hardware and software setup so we can help you troubleshoot this issue.
PEmicro Support

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Hello Linghou,
Have you tried to load the different project into MCU?
Can you share the linker file?
Also, you can try to look at the registers by "Attach to Running Target" option in the Debug Configuration -> Startup.
Best Regards,