S32K如何设置,才能同时接收 ID为0 和 ID不为0 的两个或多个CAN消息?希望高手指点一下,先行谢过!
if you want to receive more IDs then you can have several options.
- configure more MBs, one MB for each ID to be received
- you can use masking registers to allow receive all IDs or range of IDs into single or several MBs
- configure RXFIFO and set ID filter table with a IDs to be received.
BR, Petr
发自我的 iPhone
在 2019年6月18日,下午3:46,PetrS <admin@community.nxp.com<mailto:admin@community.nxp.com>> 写道:
NXP Community <https://community.freescale.com/resources/statics/1000/35400-NXP-Community-Email-banner-600x75.jpg>
Re: 怎样同时接收 ID为0 和 ID不为0 的两个CAN消息
reply from Petr Stancik<https://community.nxp.com/people/PetrS?et=watches.email.thread> in S32K - View the full discussion<https://community.nxp.com/message/1166129?commentID=1166129&et=watches.email.thread#comment-1166129>