how to implementation AVB/TSN with goldBox3
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I'm currently trying to implement TSN and AVB with Gold-Box3 I'm still a beginner, so I don't know how to implement this. I'm curious about how to install hardware and software and connectors to use, Thank you so much for giving me a solution from start to finish
what use program tool, use example, use cood.... etc...
we need solution ㅠㅠ
thank you!!!
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Hi @ehxhflskfk
AVB/TSN both seems to be supported under the SJA1110 and AVB is also supported under S32G, unfortunately, there is not much information or examples available on our side, I recommend you to contact your DFAE or NXP representative, since a lot of the information regarding SJA1110 is available under NDA (For SJA1110), they might be able to provide you more documentation for your inquiry.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Best Regards, Miguel.