SOAFEE support for S32G Goldbox
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Hi Team,
I understand that NXP joined SOAFEE SIG, I would like to know if the SOAFEE support is available on S32G Goldbox. Please share your inputs.
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Hey Bala,
were you able to get any information for this? I am trying to look for the same information.

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As to this moment, we are not seeing anything regarding SOAFEE under the S32G2 platform itself.
What kind of support were you looking regarding SOAFEE?
Please, let us know.
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Thanks for the response. We are looking to build EWAOL image for Goldbox and load on it.

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Thanks for your feedback.
We cannot find anything regarding the specific image you are requiring under S32G platform.
Please, help us reaching out to your local NXP representative and send this topic to them, they should have more information or could channel it further inside NXP.
Please, let us know.
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We understand that you will reach out to your local NXP representative with this topic.
Have a great day.