Kernel panic when up the pfe interface

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Kernel panic when up the pfe interface

Contributor IV


The Kernel Panic occured  when loading the pfeng driver during system startup,

Similar situations have occurred before, but after modifying the loading method of pfeng they no longer exist.(回复: Kernel panic when up the pfe interface - NXP Community)

However, recently there have been cases of type issues again



BSP Version :BSP38.0

PFE Driver Version 1.5.0

PFE Firmware Version Unknown

Custom board

Yocto build

pfeng.ko is automatically loaded when the system starts


and the lsmod information as blow:


Please refer to the attached file and tell me how to investigate this issue.

Also, could you tell me how to determine the firmware version of PFE and Where to download 1.7.1 version of the firmware?



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3 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @StanleyShen,

Sorry for the late response. 

About the PFE FW version, I am not aware of a method to know which version is being loaded, in theory if you did not modify the yocto recipes it should be the correct one. However you can download them from the FlexNet system, and select the correct version for your BSP, in this case version 1.7.1 [page 2, Linux BSP 38.0 Release Notes for S32G2]:



Do you know the order in which the modules are being loaded? I ask this because it may not be the PFE FW the root cause of your problem, but there could be an memory overload and the PFE is just the one to trigger it, if you change the order of module loading the problem still occurs withe the PFE FW?
Which changes have you done related to the PFE general functionality?

To download the PFE FW from the FlexNet page please follow these steps:

- Sign in to your NXP account (NXP Semiconductors)

- Click on My NXP Account (top-right) and click on Software Licensing and Support under the Licensing section within the window it opens.

- This will redirect you to another page. In this new page, select the option View Accounts under the Software accounts section.

- This will again redirect you to another page. On this page, you should see an Automotive SW – S32G Reference Software.

- Now you should be able to see Automotive SW - S32G - PFE Driver + Standard Firmware

- now you should be able to find S32G PFE Firmware Standard Version 1.7.1 QLP1


This is the direct link: 

Please make sure you are logged in into the FlexNet system before you try to use the direct link.


Let me know if this information was useful or if you have more questions.

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Contributor IV


Thanks for you kindly replay.

We downloaded firmware 1.7.1 and compared it with the currently using, and found that it is indeed different. Therefore, we are preparing to use the latest downloaded firmware for replication testing


>Which changes have you done related to the PFE general functionality?

In fact, the latest version of BSP has not made any special modifications to PFE

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @StanleyShen,

It is a good discovery, please let me know if the behavior  changes after updating the PFW FW version.


Best regards

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