Use S32K148 EVB with external osc
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I would like to use the external OSC on the S32K148 as Main Clock instead of the Fast IRC.
But this external OSC is 8 Mhz instead of 48 MHz.
Is there a way to expand this to 48 MHz (over a PLL or some other means) for use as main clock?
Best regard
Christof Haidinger

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Can you give me an example how to do so?

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There are many routines in S32K DS,and most of them which are clocked by SOSC/ can change these routines by following ways.
Can you tell me your specific requirements? For example, to set the clock source and frequency of some modules?
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Sry, for the long time until the reply.
At the moment, we are using the FAST IRC as main clock source with 48Mhz.
And we want to exchange this with the external OSC.
And all the modules according to that.

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As I said in my previous answer, you can refer to the routine to modify your code. If you still have questions, send me a private message.