Not able to generate code from Processor Expert file
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Hi All
When I am Creating S32 DS Application project and selecting toolchan (Standard S32DS toolchain for ARM) with SDK (S32SDK_S32K14x_EAR_0.8.6) then I am able to generate processor expert code by keeping only SOSC_CLK.
Below is Configuration snapshot for the reference.
But When I am Creating S32 DS Application project and selecting toolchan (IAR Toolchain for ARM - (8.x)) with SDK (S32SDK_S32K1xx_RTM_3.0.0) then I am not able to generate processor expert code by keeping only SOSC_CLK.
Below is Configuration snapshot for the reference
Error Snapshot:
Please help me in solving this clock configuration problem.
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Please re-upload last 2 snapshots. I see just some blanks.
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Hi Razvan
Please find here the 2 snapshots.
Configuration snapshot for the reference
Error Snapshot:
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- ブックマーク
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- RSS フィードを購読する
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Based on that error and would like to know how did you imported the project? It's a project started with EAR 0.8.6 and after that you switched the same project to RTM 3.0.0?
Could you provide me the steps to reproduce it on my side?
Best regards,