I'm using the S32 Design Studio for ARM IDE, and found a 'Generated_Code' directory under this project, contains many *.c and *.h files.
Please refer to the attached image.
I want to know what is the function of 'Generated_Code' directory and those temporary code files.
Thanks for your help!
Best Regards,
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Hi @fedora
Processor Expert has a Code Generate Codecommand, which initiates the code generation process. During this process, the source code modules containing the functionality of the project components are generated in the Generated_Code folder in the Component view. The project must be set up correctly for successful code generation. If the generation is error-free, all generated source code files are saved to the destination directory.
The existence of the files can be conditional to the project or Processor Expert environment settings and their usage by the components.
NOTE: the modification of the generated code may be done only at the user's own risk.
How to preserve user modification overwrite with processor expert generated code?
Hi @fedora
Processor Expert has a Code Generate Codecommand, which initiates the code generation process. During this process, the source code modules containing the functionality of the project components are generated in the Generated_Code folder in the Component view. The project must be set up correctly for successful code generation. If the generation is error-free, all generated source code files are saved to the destination directory.
The existence of the files can be conditional to the project or Processor Expert environment settings and their usage by the components.
NOTE: the modification of the generated code may be done only at the user's own risk.
How to preserve user modification overwrite with processor expert generated code?