S32DS can not debug
I got a issue when I debug with S32DS .
I use PE to debug S32K344 mini EVB ,
The board and PE is OK ,I can debug with IAR IDE normally;
S32DS version:
I flashed the code (both demo code or myself code), it run to the main,
when I Step into or Step over , it showed like this
I tried to re-install the S32DS ,but the issue still exist.
how can I solved this issue?
Thank you very much.
All console information:
Connection from "" via Connection from port "65528" to 6224
Connection from "" via Connection from port "65533" to 7224
Telnet server running on
Searching for Kernel Symbols...
rsp_qC - qSymbol: 5F74785F7468726561645F63757272656E745F707472
_tx_thread_current_ptr not found. ThreadX analysis not enabled.
rsp_qC - qSymbol: 707843757272656E74544342
pxCurrentTCB not found. FreeRTOS analysis not enabled.
Unable to load libusb0.dll
Copyright 2023 P&E Microcomputer Systems,Inc.
Command Line :C:\NXP\S32DS.3.5\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_5.7.3.202310061729\win32\pegdbserver_console -device=NXP_S32K3xx_S32K344 -startserver -singlesession -serverport=7224 -gdbmiport=6224 -interface=USBMULTILINK -speed=5000 -port= �
PEmicro Interface detected - Flash Version 11.22
Target has been RESET and is active.
CMD>CM C:\NXP\S32DS.3.5\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_5.7.3.202310061729\supportFiles_ARM\NXP\S32K3xx\nxp_s32k344_1x32x980k_hse_enabled.arp
;version 1.01, 09/23/2022, Copyright 2022 P&E Microcomputer Systems, www.pemicro.com [S32K3x4_hse_enabled]
;device nxp, s32k344, 1x32x980k,desc=hse_enabled
;begin_cs device=$00400000, length=$003D4000, ram=$20400000
Loading programming algorithm ...
WARNING - Selected .ARP file has been modified. CRC16 = $CF2E
Programming sequency is : erase, blank check, program, and verify {default}
Command is inactive for this .ARP file.
VC is not implemented, falling back to VM
Application verified in memory. No need to reprogram.
Target has been RESET and is active.
Starting reset script (C:\NXP\S32DS.3.5\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_5.7.3.202310061729\supportFiles_ARM\NXP\S32K3xx\S32K344.mac) ...
REM Enable clocks for selected cores in MC_ME module (the sequence below enables all clocks).
REM Initialize RAM and DMA:
REM Initialize DMA TCD:
REM Copy valid executable code to RAM for each core to be used.
REM Enable required cores in MC_ME:
Delaying for 20mS ...
Reset script (C:\NXP\S32DS.3.5\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_5.7.3.202310061729\supportFiles_ARM\NXP\S32K3xx\S32K344.mac) completed.
PE-ERROR: Warning. Can't read memory while part is running. @40274040 (12 bytes)
PE-ERROR: Warning. Can't read memory while part is running. @400f00 (64 bytes)
PE-ERROR: Warning. Can't read memory while part is running. @400f38 (2 bytes)
PE-ERROR: Warning. Can't read memory while part is running. @400f24 (2 bytes)
PE-ERROR: Warning. Can't read memory while part is running. @400f14 (2 bytes)
PE-ERROR: Warning. Can't read registers while part is running.
thank you ,this issue had been solved.
I closed the memory related window, it can work normally.
Maybe once before I used these function in a project ,but I do not close these windows ,then when I debug another project ,this error happened;
I found that even if I delete all the project and then create a new one, I still encounter the same error. Reinstalling S32DS doesn't help either; only after closing these windows, can I work normally.
Hi @KidhRobin ,
Could you please create a support request ticket on the PEmicro website? Please click on the "Support Requests" link
That way, the issue can be investigated by PEmicro engineers.
Hi ,
I'm also face same issue.
While I'm flashing the Clock_Ip_Example_S32K344 and Mcu_Example_S32K344 code.
The Clock_Ip_Example_S32K344 code flashes with no issue. But Mcu_Example_S32K344 shows some error during the flash such as,
- PE-ERROR: Warning. Can't read registers while part is running
- PE-ERROR: Warning. Can't read memory while part is running
Due to these error, that code does not execute the MCU_SetMode(McuModeSettingConf_0); function.
I closed the memory related windows, still I faced same issue.
Hi @Anu_123 ,
I ran a quick test on my S32K3X4EVB-T172 and did not see the "PE-ERROR: Warning. Can't read registers while part is running" that you described.
I was able to reach the "if (Mcu_GetClockFrequency(CLKOUT_RUN_CLK) != CLOCKOUT_FREQ_CFG_0)" line.
Can you please try closing the "0x0" file that is open in your view and try launching a debug session again: