Dear Mr./Mrs,
When two developer try to debug MPC5777C board by using PE Micro debugger via digitus network server, a developer couldn't debug board. What is solution for it? How is possible to debug two different board in same time via digitus network server?
Best regards.
I' not sure about your configuration. You have PE Micro begugger connected to board and USB cable is connected to Network Server USB side and Network Server is connected to PC via Ethernet cable?
What particular model of Digitus Network Server do you have and which PE Micro device?
technically - it may work with your setup, but there is still chance that PE Micro won't work in such environment - especially if the USB to Ethernet converter is specialized for printers. You can try to reduce speed and increase delays:
PE Micro as a device is visible on target PC machine, correct?
Related to debugging two boards - I'm not sure about the scenario. But you will need two probes and two instances of S32DS (on one PC or on two different PC machines).