Invalid Project Path: Error for Lwip Stack Exapmple Project of MCP5748G
I have imported example project of lwip stack of MCP5748g in S32 design studio , but it has some error of Description Resource Path Location Type
1. Invalid project path: Include path not found (C:\NXP\S32DS_Power_v2017.R1\S32DS\S32_SDK_MPC574xx_EAR_0.8.1\platform\hal\inc). lwip_mpc5748g pathentry Path Entry Problem.
2.Description Resource Path Location Type
Invalid project path: Include path not found (C:\NXP\S32DS_Power_v2017.R1\S32DS\S32_SDK_MPC574xx_EAR_0.8.1\rtos\FreeRTOS_C55\Source\portable\GCC\ARM_CM4F). lwip_mpc5748g pathentry Path Entry Problem
3.Description Resource Path Location Type
Invalid project path: Include path not found (D:\testing\Ethernet\lwip_mpc5748g\include). lwip_mpc5748g pathentry Path Entry Problem
4.Description Resource Path Location Type
Invalid project path: Missing project folder or file: \lwip_mpc5748g\Debug_RAM for Source path. lwip_mpc5748g pathentry Path Entry Problem
Pelase help to fix this issue also i have attched the screen shot , Please find it

that's old version of S32 Design Studio and very old version of SDK. It's even EAR release, not RTM release. Please install S32 Design Studio 2.1 and SDK version 3.0.3.