HOWTO: Install Lauterbach TRACE32 debugger plug-in into S32 Design Studio

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HOWTO: Install Lauterbach TRACE32 debugger plug-in into S32 Design Studio

HOWTO: Install Lauterbach TRACE32 debugger plug-in into S32 Design Studio

S32 Design Studio (S32DS) supports Lauterbach’s “loos coupling” version of Eclipse plug-in to debug S32DS projects via a Lauterbach probe + TRACE32 standalone application. This configuration uses Eclipse IDE for development and standalone TRACE32 for debugging. 


This plug-in supports the features below:

  • Start TRACE32 from an Eclipse launch configuration
  • Support for multiple projects (multi-core)
  • Synchronization of breakpoints between Eclipse and TRACE32
  • Open source file' functionality from TRACE32 to Eclipse and vice versa

See the Lauterbach document for additional information about the plug-in.


Installation instructions

First of all make sure you have TRACE32 installed. Now let's proceed to eclipse plug-in installation.


First of all make sure you have TRACE32 installed. Now let's proceed to eclipse plug-in installation.


  • go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software" 



  • Click on the arrow to bring up the list. 

Select ‘LauterbachGmbHUpdateSite -




  • Check the box next to the Lauterbach TRACE32 Eclipse Loose Coupling and click "Next"



  • Check "I Accept the terms of the license agreement" and Select all Lauterbach certificates to trust.
  • Finally you proceed to the installation. When the plugin is installed you will be asked to restart S32DS



Now you should be able to use the New Project Wizard create an application project with Lauterbach Debugger support:




Or manage (create, delete, adjust) Lauterbach eclipse debug configurations:



Enjoy debugging with TRACE32 Eclipse plug-in in S32DS!


Labels (1)

Hi Stanislav,

Can you print the full PRACTICE script line?

Also, is the "Initial working directory" the project top directory or is it the Lauterbach top directory? It looks that your configuration is wrong, it can't find the t32cmm script in the initial directory.

Can you clarify these questions?




I already added answer to your thread - S32K144 EVB and Lauterbach 



Unable to update the Plugins Could you help on this I can see manually page is redirecting to following page but its not considering the plugins 



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Version history
Last update:
‎09-10-2024 02:00 AM
Updated by: