My target is MC9s12DP256B
I am using Code Warrior v5.1 for HCS12.
My Question:
Is it possible to send data into the input-capture channel 0 running with the full chip simulator?
I tried using the "stimulator component" with the following sample script from the docs:
def a = TIMER.PORTTBit0;
PERIODICAL 4000,500:
1000 a = 1;
3000 a = 0;
When executed I do not see the interrupt 8 capture0Handler ISR get called in my code. The code works fine on physical target but we don't have enough boards yet.
Obviously I am doing something wrong in the simulator. Thanks for any advice.
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
Try replacing TIMER.PORTTBit0 with PIM.PORTTPin0. It worked for me.
You should use Inspect component to see if particular object is implemented. I didn't found TIMER object, only Ect and port integration module PIM.
Try replacing TIMER.PORTTBit0 with PIM.PORTTPin0. It worked for me.
You should use Inspect component to see if particular object is implemented. I didn't found TIMER object, only Ect and port integration module PIM.
Yes. that worked fine. thank you for the solution.