MC9S12NE64 timers
Hi everyone,
I have many problems with timers.
could someone tell me what I have to do to have a timer wich reset and works forever, with interrupts.
#include <MC9S12NE64.h> /* derivative information */#include "lib.h"#include "Cpu.h"static long absoluteTime = 0;static long absoluteTimeUp = 0;static long msDelai = 0;static int b=1;static void startTimeBase(void){ absoluteTime = 0; msDelai=500; absoluteTimeUp=absoluteTime+msDelai; }volatile unsigned int count;#pragma CODE_SEG NON_BANKEDinterrupt void _Vtimovf (void) { int i =0; absoluteTime++; //i=setPortPinValue('g', 0, ON); TFLG2 = 0x80;// clear the interrupt flag count++; //increment counter } #pragma CODE_SEG DEFAULTvoid main(void) {int i =0; /* put your own code here */ TSCR1=0X80;//enable timer TSCR2=0x85; //select prescler bus clock/32 TFLG2=0x80;// clear timer flag i=setPortPinDirection('g', 0, OUTPUT); i=setPortPinDirection('h', 0, INPUT); PTG_PTG0 =1; //i=setPortPinValue('g', 0, OFF); startTimeBase(); EnableInterrupts; while(1) { while(absoluteTimeUp>absoluteTime) { } absoluteTime=0; if(b==0) { b=1; i=setPortPinValue('g', 0, OFF); } else { b=0; i=setPortPinValue('g', 0, ON); } } /* wait forever */}
here is my code
Why then i=setPortPinValue('g', 0, ON); line is commented out?
Did you initialize interrupt vectors table properly? Is there some dedicated *.c module with interrupts table defined? Maybe set interrupt vectors in *.prm file? If not then you should change timer overflow ISR like this:
interrupt VectorNumber_Vtimovf void _Vtimovf (void)
You should probably post your code in order for us to help you. Also, you might want to look at which has plenty of starter code for timers if you search for "output compare" on the page.