LIN init and rx interrupt function
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hello all:
it's my first time to do LIN communciation, I have questions about LIN INIT configuraiton.(my controller is MC9S12ZVLRM )
1. after I configure my LIN init code like this, software will crash. here are my LIN init code.
void SCI_Init(void)
s_ptrSciReg->SCICR1 = SCICR1_PE_MASK |SCICR1_MSCI; /*enable parity */
s_ptrSciReg->SCIBDH = 0x06u /*bautrate is 19200*/
s_ptrSciReg->SCIBDL = 0x83u
s_ptrSciReg->SCISR2 = SCISR2_AMAP_MASK; /*use the alternative register*/
SCIRegPtr->SCIACR1 = SCIACR1_BKDIE_MASK; /*BKDIF interrupt requests enabled*/
SCIRegPtr->SCIACR2 = SCIACR2_BKDFE_MASK; /*BKDIF interrupt requests enabled*/
my software crashed when i configure the LIN Init like above. So how to use the alternative control register ? if i only need LIN module work as slave node, should I configure alternative control register?
2. i modified my above code to this:
void SCI_Init(void)
s_ptrSciReg->SCICR1 =SCICR1_M;
s_ptrSciReg->SCIBDH = 0x06u /*bautrate is 19200*/
s_ptrSciReg->SCIBDL = 0x83u
then my software didn't crash anymore, but when i use canoe to send out LIN message to my SCU, when the break filed was received, SCI receive states Frame Error Flag bit is true. how to deal with this? i think it's reasonable that the break data should be Error Flag. Am i right?

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Hello Eva,
How does the software crash?
You can check the Lin Driver LIN2.x and SAE J2602 Stack.