Hi. I am looking in the AN3275SW bootloader.
Does this bootloader download the program directly to the flash without passing the RAM or it download the program via RAM?
Also in vfnFlashProgramCmd function in main.c file, There is a comment:
If I track this function up, I see no implementation.
What is the intention of this function? and where is the implementation?
The Bootloader is using the the vfnFlash_Cmd() function to program the flash in main.
The implementation of the function is in S12Flash.c file.
As you can see, the function is in RAM:
The Bootloader programs the FLASH from RAM.
As you can see above, the function is placed in ROUTINESINRAM section.
Please see the linker file (.prm) for more datails about the section.
There are additional functions in RamExec.h / RamExec.c that can be used to copy and run any funtion in RAM.
I'm not the owner of the bootloader, but as far as I can see, this is only an example how to use the RamExec functions.