Code generator FIBEX for FLEXRAY (MCU : 16-bit MC9S12XF512MLM)

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Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a code generator fibex for my project i'm doing. And would like to know if freescale have a code generator like that for they're MCU.
Because my application need to be flexible, i musst to use an fibex files for my different flexray configuration.
I'm hoping someone else can help me.
Thanks you in advance.
Best regards,

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im also working on the same controller for my per my information
to generate FIBEX file u can use DaVinci network Designer. though i have not used that.
but one thing i want to ask u that,
im using two 16 bit MC9S12XF512 acting as two nodes.
node1 is geting varable power supply at ADC and transmitting converted digital data through flexray bus. node2 will receive that data and rotate stepper motor. plz tell me how to send data through flexray bus? every time we need to UNIFIED files or without it can we sent the data? plz answer its very urgent.
thank u

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You have to use the Freescale example that you can dowload on their website. THe example code, give to you a perfect communication between two nodes.