Can I get some register and how to use about ADC internal ch 5 for S12VR ?

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Hi all~
I want to know the registers about the result and completion, when ADC's conversion is finished, using Port L.
Port L input is connected to ADC internal channel 5, please see Table 1-13 in the Reference Manual.
While PTAL register is used to configure which HVI pin is connected to ADC internal channel 5.
I know that the CCF bits of ATDSTAT and ATDDR0~5 registers present the completion flag and result value register for PAD0~5 port, not Port L.
I would like to know the conversion result and completion registers and How to use sample source for Port L.
Where are the result and conversion completion registers for Port L ?
Please advise me.
Thank you.

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ATD module could be configured for three basic measurement:
- Single conversion - One sample at one channel OR
- Multiple samples at one channel OR
- One sample on multiple channels
Result from ATD conversion are stored into ATDDR0..ATDDRx register(s).
There isn’t any direct connection between port AD numbering and ATDDR result register numbering.
When FIFO=0 (default), sequence results of measurement are stored into ATDDR0, ATDDR1,….ATDDRn registers.
For example: we setup ATD to measure one sample at multiple channels (MULT=1), number of channels =4 (S8C=0, S4C=1, S2C=0, S1C=0), and we starts from Internal_2 channel (ATDCTL5=0x58). After that, Internal_2 result will be stored into ATDDR0 and Internal_5 result will be stored into ATDDR3.
If we want measure voltage at all HVI inputs (Internal_5 channel), we cannot use configuration for multiple channels. We have to use single conversion or multiple samples at one channel (MULT=0). So, only way is set PTAL1, PTAL0 bits, write ATDCTL5, wait for result, change PTAL1, PTAL0 bits, write ATDCTL5, ....

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Thank you for your comments.
Do you have any test or sample code about this for S12VR using Port L and ADC.
In general, It seems to be as below
//Start the conversion
ATD0CTL5 = SetVal; //Start conversion
// Wait for AD conversion complete
while (0 == ATD0STAT0_SCF);
//Return the result
RetVal = ATD0DR0;

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