In LS1043A, configuring the fpga using FPP x8 mode

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In LS1043A, configuring the fpga using FPP x8 mode

850 次查看
Contributor II


We are using LS1043 and altera cyclone V fpga in our design. We like to configure the fpga using FPP x8 mode. Please refer the Cyclone V configuration datasheet$NT00072849



In our earlier design we have used NXP processors from MPC85xx series and we used the local bus to configure the altera fpga in FPP x8 mode. But in the LS1043 local bus (IFC bus) there is no UPM machine support (user programmable machine) . So how the programming can be implemented in the LS1043 system without glue logic.


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713 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Have a great day,

I do not see possibility to use IFC instead of LBC in the very flexible UPM mode for the FPP 8x. From my point of view using the GPIOs is the only way to implement the FPP 8x without glue logic on the LS1043. The problem is that it will require for many GPIO pins.

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