Hello all,
I started working recently with the FRDM-KL25Z, the CodeWarrior, the Processor Expert, etc.
When I add a component from the Processor Expert component libray, I see there are components like ADC and ADC_LDD, or BitIO and BitIO_LDD, TimerInt and TimerInt_LDD, etc, and I don´t know what is the difference between them.
Could anybody explain me what is the difference between _LDD and without _LDD components?
Do you now where could I find a description of each of the components from the Components libray?
Thank you very much in advance.
Hello Aitor,
In the Processor Expert User Guide you can see a description of the different kinds of PEx components. There are three different types of components, Low Level Components, Logical Device Driver (LDD) Components and High Level Components. The components with the _LDD are Logical Device Driver Components and the ones without the _LDD are High Level Components.
High level component
Component with the highest level of abstraction and usage comfort. An application built from these components can be easily ported to another microcontroller supported by the Processor Expert. They provide methods and events for runtime control.
LDD components — Logical Device Driver components
The LDD components are efficient set of components that are ready to be used together with RTOS. They provide a unified hardware access across microcontrollers allowing to develop simpler and more portable RTOS drivers.
Low level component
A component dependent on the peripheral structure to allow the user to benefit from the non-standard features of a peripheral. The level of portability is decreased because of this peripheral dependency.
Differences Between LDD and High Level Components
You can see components descriptions in the path C:\Freescale\KDS_3.0.0\eclipse\ProcessorExpert\Help\ComponentUserGuides.
Best regards,
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