I'm using Processor Expert in KDS 3.0 with KSDK 1.2 and MQX. I want to set options such as the MQX_INCLUDE_FLOATING_POINT_IO but where is the recommended place to change these options?
I could just change it in PROJECT/SDK/rtos/mqx/config/common/mqx_cnfg.h but I'm not sure if that is correct?
I also found that to get the console to support floating point numbers I have to define STD_FP_IO 1 in std_prv.h. Is that official or have I made use of something that may not be supported in the future?
Best regards,
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
Hello Adrian,
for MQX configuration symbols definition is possible to use "User setting definitions" property which is placed in MQX_KSDK component:
Content of "User setting definitions" property is generated to "mqx_sdk_config.h" file (before include *.h file with MQX Lite/Standard configuration).
Best regards,
Jiri Rezler.
Thanks for the information. Component User settings sounds good. I tried that with KSDK 1.1 but the settings were written after the includes so good to see that has been changed now.
Any idea about the STD_FP_IO define in std_prv.h?
As it has no checks for already being defined I have to modify it in the std_prv.h file or I get compiler errors. If I don't set it to 1, output to the console that contains floats is never sent.
It seems strange that this is configured in what appears to be a private file and does not use the global MQX_INCLUDE_FLOATING_POINT_IO. In fact MQX_INCLUDE_FLOATING_POINT_IO doesn't appear to be used anywhere in the code generated by PEx!
Best regards,
Hello Adrian,
for MQX configuration symbols definition is possible to use "User setting definitions" property which is placed in MQX_KSDK component:
Content of "User setting definitions" property is generated to "mqx_sdk_config.h" file (before include *.h file with MQX Lite/Standard configuration).
Best regards,
Jiri Rezler.
Hi Adrian,
I'd vote to have it in the user_config.h header.
#ifndef __user_config_h__
#define __user_config_h__
/* Define user specific modifications of default configuration*/
/* include platform-specific configuration */
#include "mqx_cnfg.h"
#endif /* __user_config_h__ */