Will you please help?
I am using LPC845 33 pin chip. Properly connected VREFP and VREFN
I am giving an input of 1.7V to PIO0_21(ADC_5), pin 28
When tried to initialise the ADC, first ensuring IOCON PIO0_21 is set for no-pull-up and no-pull-down
and then assigning ADC_5 through SWM, the voltage goes to 0.3V
Even if I proceed to calibrate and read, I get a low value of 0x19
I tried changing the sequence of initializing SWM and then IOCON, and this time
first I get some 1.7V but the moment the IOCON is loaded, the voltage drops.
To avoid any problem related to library, I even tried using all register addresses and bit values directly
No change in the result.
I had tried SDK 2.5 and 2.8 versions both. I need some help very much, please.