I wish to use the multimaster feature of I2C between multiple Kl25z Freedom boards.
I'm using the Processor Expert LDD_I2C component which mentions multimaster is supported, but there is almost no information:
"The combined format of communication possible (see "MasterSendBlock or MasterReceiveBlock" methods - parameter "SendStop")"
When looking at these methods there is no mention of multimaster and the SendStop parameter does not seem related, and there is no indication for its use in the multimaster context.
I have also not found any multimaster example(s), either in polling or interrupt mode.
So please could you help me to find documentation, samples, guidelines or function calls - events sequence, for multimaster I2C using Processor Expert?
Thank you.
help of that component describes component itself not I2C bus in general. Firstly I suggest you to learn essentials about I2C bus. It is quite easy. You can look at http://www.i2c-bus.org/MultiMaster/ and http://www.nxp.com/acrobat/usermanuals/UM10204_3.pdf
Special example for multimaster communication in PEx doesn't exist...
Methods MasterSendBlock and MasterReceiveBlock are used for Master - Slave communication as well as for Multi master communication. Parameter SendStop specifies if stop condition will be sent after transfer therefore bus line will get idle or will remain busy.
If any other questions will raise, don't hesitate to ask...
With regards
Thank you for your quick and helpful answer.
I conclude that the "master-master"' i.e. ''peer-to-peer' mode I was looking for (which indeed requires multimaster capability) seems to be available in P.E. I will select "master-slave" mode, and the help states what goes on in that mode.
Did you have any success on communicating devices using multimaster topology? I am starting a project where multimaster I2C is required, and I found your quersion in the Freescale Community forum. If you have some example code running, and some hints on configuring and using the PE I2C component in master-slave mode, it would save me a lot of development time.
Thanks in advance,