Power up problems in MPC875

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Power up problems in MPC875

Contributor I

I have worked on several MPC875 designs over many years and never faced the problem I am facing. If we power cycle rapidly and not wait for 10 seconds between power cycles then our code crashes after passing through boot stage and somewhere much later. Is it okay if 3.3V ramps slowly in 2 msec and then enable the 1.8V? Or is there  specific sequence? The datasheet just says 1.8V must come after 3.3V.

If we wait 10 seconds and power again there are no problems. In a bad case, resetting the processor with hreset doesn't work and code continues to crash. A power off, 10 seconds pause, and power on is needed.

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9 返答(返信)

Contributor I


thanks for your response. I am drawing power from POE and the 5V created in that circuit feeds into two DC-DC to create 3.3V and 1.8V. They are Linear Tech parts. I have the ability to delay them. Please look at the attachment on pages 2, 3, and 4. Page 1 is taken on a working design. I am trying to make it like page 1 but not done it yet since the power supplies are different between these two projects. The power reset is pulled up to 3.3V. When the voltages stabilize, the FPGA configures and the power reset PORESETn is asserted from the FPGA. The waveforms shown here don't change as observed between working and non-working.

Any ideas to try will be greatly appreciated,

thanks a lot,


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I do not see anything "rapid" in your scope screenshots. Please clarify the difference between "rapid" and non-"rapid" cases.

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Contributor I

I was showing you the voltage rise on a power start. The code crashes even if I wait 5 seconds between power cycles. I need 10 seconds between power cycles for the code to work successfully. If I take a capture of 10 seconds then you won't see what is going on in milliseconds. Hope I am making sense.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Please check if _ALL_ power supplies reach 0V before returning back. 5 sec should be enough to discharge all capacitors, but this depends on consumption, so - please verify this explicitly.

If this will not be helpful, than please debug your code till the instruction which exactly fails. Please determine which particular instruction in your code causes failure at rapid ramp-up. Understanding what this instruction exactly doing will be helpful for further debugging.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Thank you.

The rails do discharge quickly. The code fails much later after 20 seconds when it is trying to configure a SIP stack. This fails only if power is cycled quickly. If we wait for 10 seconds between power ups there is no reset and from then on any amount of HRESET via a push button never fails and the board functions fine. If the board fails on power up or gets stuck, resetting with HRESET will never work. Only way to get back to a working state is to remove power, wait for 10 seconds, and then power.

Could it be anything to do with the way we intialize the SDRAM? Via UPM.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

As per my understanding, "SIP stack" is user software, and this software is configured significantly later than SDRAM initialization. So, I do not think SDRAM is related. However please run SDRAM tests to check this.

By the way, if this "SIP stack" software works with some external hardware, than please add a code to explicitly reset this hardware before re-initialization.

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Contributor I

Thanks Yes.

as I said if there was a code problem, it would crash significantly later than SDRAM Init. To reiterate, the software runs fine on an initial power-up. Or, if we power down, wait for 10 seconds, and power on. It will fail on power off and immediate power on.

I suspect the SDRAM init using UPM B. I am attaching what we do. If you have any comments or have UPM B Init code, please send me:

###      Sub-Command Locations

UPM_CMD_LOADMODE                .equ      0x10

UPM_CMD_NOP_LONG                 .equ      0x2c

UPM_CMD_NOP_SINGLE               .equ      0x2e

UPM_CMD_REFRESH                      .equ      0x30

UPM_CMD_INIT                               .equ      0x37




# /* single read. (offset 0x00 in upm RAM) */

     .long    0x0f07fc04, 0x0ffffc04, 0x00bdfc04, 0x0ff77c00

     .long    0x1ffffc05, 0xef3abc34, 0x1f357c35, 0x0ffffc04

# /* burst read. (offset 0x08 in upm RAM) */

     .long    0x0f07fc04, 0x0ffffc04, 0x00bdfc04, 0x00fffc00

     .long    0x00fffc00, 0x00fffc00, 0x0ff77c00, 0x1ffffc05

     .long    0xef3abc34, 0x0f357c34, 0x1ffffc05, 0x0ffffc04                  # UPM_CMD_LOADMODE at 0x10

     .long    0x0ffffc04, 0x0ffffc04, 0x0ffffc04, 0x0ffffc04

# /* single write. (offset 0x18 in upm RAM) */

     .long    0x0f07fc04, 0x0ffffc00, 0x00bd7c04, 0x0ffffc04

     .long    0x0ff77c04, 0x1ffffc05, 0xfffffc04, 0xfffffc04

# /* burst write. (offset 0x20 in upm RAM) */

     .long    0x0f07fc04, 0x0ffffc00, 0x00bd7c00, 0x00fffc00

     .long    0x00fffc00, 0x00fffc04, 0x0ffffc04, 0x0ff77c04

     .long    0x1ffffc05, 0xfffffc04, 0xfffffc04, 0xfffffc04

     .long    0x0ffffc84, 0x0ffffc84, 0x1ffffc05, 0xfffffc04             # UPM_CMD_NOP               at 0x2C

# /* refresh. (offset 0x30 in upm RAM) */

     .long    0x0ff77c04, 0x0ffffc04, 0x0ff5fc84, 0x0ffffc04                     # UPM_CMD_REFRESH       at 0x30

     .long    0x0ffffc04, 0x0ffffc84, 0x1ffffc05, 0x0ff77c04                      # UPM_CMD_INIT                at 0x37

     .long    0x0ffffc04, 0x0ff5fc84, 0x0ffffc04, 0x0ffffc04

# exception is not used, so we are writing init code into the space

# /* exception. (offset 0x3c in upm RAM) */    

     .long    0x0ffffc04, 0x0ffffc84, 0x0feabc34, 0x1f357c35


    addis       r5,r0,INT_UPMB_Table@ha   # Get beginning address of UPMB table

    addi        r5,r5,INT_UPMB_Table@l

    addi        r6,r5,256                 # Get end address of UPMB table

    lis         r7,0x0080                 # Load command:  write,UPMB,MAD=0


    lwz         r3,0(r5)                  # Get table entry

    stw         r3,MDR(r4)                # Copy to MDR

    stw         r7,MCR(r4)                # Issue command to MCR

    addi        r5,r5,4                   # Point to next entry in table

    addi        r7,r7,1                   # Increment MAD field of MCR command

    cmp         r5,r6                     # Finished?

    blt         INT_UPMB_Loop             # If not, keep looping


    lis         r3,0x0000

    ori         r3,r3,0x1111

    stw         r3,MAMR(r4)


    lis         r3,0x0492

    ori         r3,r3,0x4111

    stw         r3,MBMR(r4)


    li          r3,0x0200                 # MPTPR  PTP=32x

    sth         r3,MPTPR(r4)



            # load MAR register with proper format to drive address bus

            # 0x22 == burst 4, sequential, etc. ?

    lis         r3,0x0000             

    ori         r3,r3,(0x0022 << 2)

    stw         r3,MAR(r4)


    # run NOP command 1 times from loc UPM_CMD_NOP_SINGLE -- need at least one NOP

    lis         r3,0x8080             

    ori         r3,r3,0x4100 + UPM_CMD_NOP_SINGLE

    stw         r3,MCR(r4)


    # run "init" and "load mode register" once from loc UPM_CMD_INIT

    lis         r3,0x8080             

    ori         r3,r3,0x4200 + UPM_CMD_INIT

    stw         r3,MCR(r4)


    # run NOP command 3 time from loc UPM_CMD_NOP_LONG

    lis         r3,0x8080             

    ori         r3,r3,0x4100 + UPM_CMD_NOP_LONG

    stw         r3,MCR(r4)


    lis         r3,0xfe00              # Burst support; SAM = 1

    ori         r3,r3,0x0800                          # CS2 - SDRAM GPL5 is unused

    stw         r3,OR2(r4)

    lis         r3,0x0000              # at 0x00000000 (32 Bits, Parity Dis., UPMB, Valid)

    ori         r3,r3,0x00C1

    stw         r3,BR2(r4)

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

I am also trying to make 1.8 come up with 3.3 per errata below:


0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Please capture scope screenshot of both power supplies and PORESET during this "rapid" restart and submit it here for clarity.

Have a great day,

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