CodeWarrior TAP GDB

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CodeWarrior TAP GDB

1,970 次查看
Contributor I

Hi all,

We recently purchased the CodeWarrior TAP with the intention of using it to debug a P2020 target. A major reason we bought this debugger was because it appeared it has a GDB stub on the debugger that allows the use of a standard GDB client (our use case involves debugging U-Boot and the Linux Kernel as part of our board bring-up process, and also accessing NOR/NAND flash to be able to initialize an empty board over JTAG.)

While we are able to telnet into the debugger, it doesn't appear as though there's any GDB server running on the port (IIRC, port 2345) that is specified by the documentation. We attempted to nmap the debugger and there's no GDB server exposed. We also don't have a CodeWarrior license and as such, we would highly prefer not to have to get one as we aren't using the bulk of the features of the IDE. Is there any way to resolve this? We would greatly appreciate help on this as we've exhausted all the available documentation so far. Thanks!

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1,445 次查看
Contributor I

@yipingwang the google drive link no longer works. Can you please share the gdb support files another way?

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1,958 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Please download "gdb over jtag demo for a number of QorIQ targets" from the folllowing link.

Please refer to section "Debugging with GDB" in CWTAP_GDB_GSG.pdf, it could be downloaded from

Please modify gdb_test_ccs_365/bin/p2020_init.gdb according to your custom board.

Please check whether the command "target remote <ip_address>:2345" can be run successfully under gdb prompt.

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