config file for P1020
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Dear Freescale,
I would like to ask you about some problem when i try to make u-boot image from SDcard or EEPROM (eSPI) flash memory.
As I know we need to make file include control word, configuration word to include u-boot image.
I do that following bellow step.
1. Make u-boot.bin (based on ram by make (make P1020RDB-PC_SPIFLASH_config, and then make)
2. based on documentation AN3659, it shows we need to make configuration for sdcard and espi (*.bat) file. But I can not how to generate this file to p1020RDB-pc.
So my problem is :
Could you tell me how to generate this file.
Thank you very much!
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Dear Freescale,
I would like to ask you about some problem when i try to make u-boot image for SDcard or EEPROM (eSPI) flash memory.
As I know we need to make file include control word, configuration word(bootrom_config.bat) to include u-boot image.
I do that following bellow step.
1. Make u-boot.bin (based on ram by make (make P1020RDB-PC_SPIFLASH_config, and then make)
2. based on documentation AN3659, it shows we need to make configuration for sdcard and espi (*.bat) file. But I don't know how to generate this file for p1020RDB-pc.
Could you tell me how to generate this file for this board.
Thank you very much!

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Forgot to mention, you can use QorIQ Configuration Suite, BOOTROM component to create your serial ROM configuration file.
Download links to the tool can be found here:
CodeWarriorNetworked Applications : QCVS|Freescale
Detailed instructions on how to use the tool can be found in the documentation installed with
the package.
Have a great day,
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Dear bpe,
Thanks for your support.
Yes, you are right. the extension file is .DAT.
I used codewarrior to make this file, but I don't know the PBI command(configuration word), that I can input for P1020RDB-PC.
Could you tell me where I can get it?
Thanks & Best regards,

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I think I have already mentioned boot_format tool and it's source
code. There are as many as three example configuration files applicable
to P1020RDB-PC, all include configuration word sequences. Do
'ls *p1*rdb_pc*' in boot_format source code directory to see them.
Have a great day,
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Dear Platon,
Thank you very much for your answer.
I found that in the folder :
Thank you very much,

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No files with .bat extension are involved in creating as SD card or
SPI Flash bootable for P1020. Did you mean .dat instead of .bat?
If so, the board configuration files input by boot_format tool are
plain text files, their format is explained in AN3659, Section 2.
The best way to create a configuration file for your board is to
take an existing one and modify according to your needs. There is a
lot of examples provided together with the tool source code.
If you deployed the tool to your target, you can find them under
/usr/share/boot_format. Otherwise, you can find them in the tool source
code directory.
Have a great day,
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