compile error "error: invalid sprg number" when I use QorIQ-SDK-V1.8 compiler to make linux uImage

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compile error "error: invalid sprg number" when I use QorIQ-SDK-V1.8 compiler to make linux uImage

Contributor I


  I use the "" from the iso package "QorIQ-SDK-v1.8-PPCE500V2-IMAGE-20150619-yocto.iso" to install the compiler.

And the "#source environment-setup-ppce500v2-fsl-linux-gnuspe" to setup evironment

And compile linux-3.12.19 to make up uImage for P1010RDB-PB,but the error show below, can you tell me why and how can i restore it?

  AS      arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.o

arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.S: Assembler messages:

arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.S:85: Error: invalid sprg number

arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.S:87: Error: invalid sprg number

arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.S:89: Error: invalid sprg number

arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.S:91: Error: invalid sprg number

arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.S:161: Error: invalid sprg number

arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.S:163: Error: invalid sprg number

arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.S:165: Error: invalid sprg number

arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.S:167: Error: invalid sprg number

make[1]: *** [arch/powerpc/kernel/swsusp_booke.o] Error 1

make: *** [arch/powerpc/kernel] Error 2

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Usually the following command sequence provides correct using of the SDK under Ubuntu 12 Ubuntu 14:

1. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard patch vim-common sed wget subversion git-core coreutils libbonobo2-common unzip texi2html texinfo libsdl1.2-dev docbook-utils gawk python-pysqlite2 diffstat make gcc build-essential xz-utils g++ desktop-file-utils chrpath libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev autoconf automake groff libtool xterm libncurses5-dev cvs tofrodos

    if it is 64-bit operating system, run the following command also:

    sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32ncurses5

2.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash

then choose "No" and you're done. )

3. install SDK for your core (500V2 or 5500 )

4. install SDK source

5. sudo ./poky/scripts/

6. usually Linux recommends also run the following command: sudo usr/sbin/visudo

7.  $ source ./poky/fsl-setup-poky  <-m machine> [-j threads] [-t tasks] [-l]

    $ bitbake <task-name>

Have a great day,

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