P2040/P2041 Ethernet Specific FAQs
Does P2040 dTSEC support 1000Base-X with an opposite 1000Base-X device like FPGA? I can see it is supported in P3041 Reference Manual (RM) but there is no description regarding TBI registers in P2040RM RM revE.
Yes, P2040 dTSEC support 1000Base-X with an opposite 1000Base-X device using the same TBI mode as P3041.
Does P2041 support pre-emphasis on SGMII ports? If yes, please send me the reference.
There is no requirement of pre-emphasis in the SGMII protocol. However, Lynx5G based products such as Lynx20/ P2041 support the pre-emphasis in the SGMII protocol. The following are the settings:-
3dB : tx_ratio_post1q[2:0] = 100, tx_eq_type[1:0] = 01, tx_sgn_post1q = 1
6dB : tx_ratio_post1q[2:0] = 110, tx_eq_type[1:0] = 01, tx_sgn_post1q = 1
Please note Lynx3G based products do not support the pre-emphasis in the SGMII protocol.
Is IEEE 1588 supported on all 5 Ethernet ports or on only 4 ports for P2040? In the Reference Manual on page 37-3, the only restriction mentioned is that 1588 is not supported for SGMII mode when using 10/100Mbps. On page 38-1, first paragraph it is mentioned that, "The 1588 timer module interfaces to up to four 10/100/1000 or one 10G Ethernet MACs (P2041 only)." Can you please clarify?
IEEE 1588 is supported on all ethernet MACs in P2040. It is supported in below combinations:
P2040: The 1588 timer module interfaces to up to five 10/100/1000 Ethernet MACs, providing current time, alarm, and fiper support.
What are the DC specifications of IEEE1588 pins in P2040? i.e. Vih/Vil.
The DC specification of 1588 would be similar to Ethernet Management Interface DC spec. You can use the table 34 and table 35 for 1588 DC given in P2040 reference manual.