I can install SonarLint in Eclipse, but you don't know how to install SonarLint in cw_mcu_v11.1_b181224_PEI.
How to download and install SonarLint in cw_mCU_v11.1_b181224_PE IDE?
The MCU I use is MCF52259, and I want to do static code scanning in Sonatqube. I wonder whether the compiler of this MCU is supported?
Hi wwj
This is a general eclipse platform question rather than NXP MCUXpresso IDE.
MCUXpresso IDE is Eclipse-based development environment. We can install eclipse plugins including SonarLint from Eclipse marketplace:
But as those plugins are not developed by NXP, we can't provided further technical support.
Jun Zhang
Hi Jun,
Thank you for your reply!
The version of Code Warrior I chose is shown in the picture:
The IDE I installed doesn't have the Eclipse Marketplace option shown in the picture you gave, which is exactly what I'm asking. How can I make the selection of Eclipse Marketplace appear in the IDE I installed?
CodeWarrior has interface to install eclipse plugins. Please refer this article. The method is the same