Image available for Grapeboard like Raspbian ?
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Hello everybody,
I'm experimenting on the grapeboard,
trying to build a working image.
Is there a way to download finished Linux images?
...and boot it from the SDCARD ?
That would be great !
Like Raspberrry with Rasbian :smileyhappy:
Thanks for your info!

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The LS1012a supports booting only from QSPI NOR Flash. See the Section 24.1 of the LS1012a Reference Manual:
See the Chapter 4.1.1 of the LSDK 18.12 documentation about LSDK using for the FRWY-LS1012A board:
See also the Section about deploying LSDK images on the board.
The Section 8.6.3 in the ARMv8_Targeting_Manual.pdf file contains information about program U-Boot in flash device using Flash Programmer.
This file is available in CW4NET folder.
Have a great day,
Pavel Chubakov
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