Finding a Microcontroller with USART,IIC and SPI
I am currently a second year computer science student. For my project I am looking for a Microcontroller which is equiped with USART,IIC and SPI. I have worked using HCS12 but it does not contain USART. I am planniing to use a GPS reciever unit MT3318 which communicate via UART. Can anybody suggest me a suitable microcontroller?
I am also looking for a development board. Can somebody suggest one of those too?
Thank you in advace.
MPC might be overkill for your project. These things are quite difficult to get up and running. MCF (ColdFire) might be closer, maybe a Flexis part. All of the MCF51 parts have SCI, SPI and I2C.
Do you really need a USART (the "S" means "Synchronous") or do you just need a UART? The SCI in the Flexis parts should do what you want.
For what you're making that may be overkill. You might get by with a PIC.