Does Vigiles only support Yocto or does it support other build systems?

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Does Vigiles only support Yocto or does it support other build systems?

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NXP Pro Support
NXP Pro Support

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4,518 次查看
Contributor I

Vigiles supports a number of build systems, including: Buildroot, Yocto Project and Timesys Factory. And Vigiles can be used with other build systems as well. Using the Vigiles UI, you can upload software manifests from any of the three build systems mentioned. In addition, Vigiles supports 

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5,753 次查看
Contributor I

Vigiles supports Buildroot, Yocto Project and Timesys Factory. However, you can still use Vigiles even if you’re not using one of these build systems.

Vigiles supports .csv format, so it can generate a CVE report independent of any build system. Just format your build system-generated software manifest / software BOM as a .csv spreadsheet, and then upload it to Vigiles. If you want to create your software manifest from scratch, Vigiles has a “Create Manifest” UI that allows you to do so entirely online.

We provide guidance on creating a Vigiles .csv manifest here:  And you can find the steps for creating your manifest using the Create Manifest UI here:

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