FIDO Alliance is getting huge traction in the secure authentication world and the member count has surpassed 250 companies. Secure Element based FIDO U2F Authenticators add another security layer to consumer online authentication for cloud services and have been deployed for services like Google, Dropbox, Github, and others. These Authenticators are available in various form factors (Cards, USB keys, Fobs, Wearables and embedded) and support multiple interfaces like USB, NFC and BLE to connect users to critical online services using the FIDO authentication protocol. In addition to FIDO credentials, NXP provides vSE based multi-credential (PKCS#15, EAC, BAC, SAC, Mifare, PIV ) as well as an online services platform including eDoc derived mobile credential management connecting relying parties to enable secure mobile authentication for eGov services. Watch Video Presentation
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