LS1028ARDB Switch FELIX : How to properly use the "tsntool cbstreamidset" function

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LS1028ARDB Switch FELIX : How to properly use the "tsntool cbstreamidset" function

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Contributor I

Hi all,

I'm currently setting a network with the following topology :


You can notice a ring. I have chosen this topology in order to add redundancy in my network (use duplicate frames for more reliability).

I use the TSN standard 802.1CB (Frame Replication and Elimination for Reliability) to ensure the redundancy.

A basic exemple of this standard is illustrated in the section of this doc :

After having set up the sequence generator on SWITCHA and the sequence recovery on SWITCHB as explained in the doc, I can see on swp2 one frame (because the redundant frame has been eliminated by the cbrec function).

At this point, everything works as expected.

But know, I would like the remaining frame to be forwarded on swp2 AND swp3. 

With the configuration detailed in the doc, the remaining frame is only forwarded on swp2. It is because we typed the command on SWICTHB :
# cbstreamidset --device swp2 --index 1 --nullstreamid --nulldmac 0x7EA88C9B41DD --nullvid 1 --streamhandle 1

The --device option set the port where the frame will be forwarded (we can verify this with cbstreamidget command (option outfacoutport)). For example, if we have typed this command instead :
# cbstreamidset --device swp3 --index 1 --nullstreamid --nulldmac 0x7EA88C9B41DD --nullvid 1 --streamhandle 1
the frame would have been forwarded on swp3.

Do you know how I can configure the cbstreamidset on SWITCHB for the remaining frame to be forwarded on swp2 and swp3. I think the key is with the option --outfacoutport of cbstreamidset. There no details or example of this option in the doc...

Could you help me ?

Thanks by advance for your answer.


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