The TEA19161T is a resonant / LLC half bridge converter and the TEA19162T is a PFC converter. Combining these two IC’s together with the SR controller TEA1995T at the secondary side results in a high efficient converter over the whole output power range.
These demos show 2 examples of a resonant power supply; one with an output power of 240 W (12V / 20A), and another with an output power of 90 W (19.5V / 4.6A). Both showing a very low component count and small design.
The resonant supplies operate in normal mode for high and medium power levels, in low power mode at medium and low power levels and in burst mode at (very) low power levels. Low power mode and burst mode operation provides a reduction of power losses, resulting in a higher efficiency at lower output power levels. Power levels for switching over from one mode to another mode can be selected by the end customer by adjusting component values.
The efficiency at high power is well above 90%. No load power consumption is well below 75 mW. At 250mW output power the input power is only 360mW, which is well below the 500 mW required to be compliant with EUP lot6 power saving specification, soon becoming mandatory for consumer electronics sold in Europe.
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Desktop PC Supply. 12v, 20A (240W) Ultra Slim 90W Adaptor. 19.5V / 4.6A (90W)
For TEA19161T, from datasheet I cannot see HB split-cap.
Is it possible to use this controller for topology half bridge split-cap? (pic below)