i.MX RT1064 and PN7150 NCI Library

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i.MX RT1064 and PN7150 NCI Library

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Contributor III


I have adapted the NXPNCI-PN7150 software example to work with the iMX RT1064 microcontroller.
For this purpose I used the MIMXRT1064-EVK development board and the Arduino PN7150 board (OM5578 / PN7150S).

The context in which I made this adaptation is for the following versions:

- MCUXpresso IDE v11.1.0 (December 2019)
- FreeRTOS Kernel v10.2.1 (2019)
- NXP NCI library for PN7150 v1.5

Besides these adaptations I made some corrections for a correct functioning.

NXP NCI software library has remained in its original form.

The project is fully tested for proper functioning.

You can import this project in a first version using the zip archive in this post.

Kind Regards,


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1,216 次查看
Contributor I

Could you cover in more detail how you handled the port, what areas you needed to change?

I am looking at making a similar port from the K64F to the FRDM-KE15Z dev kit but keep running into issues.

How long did it take you to complete the port?

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