I am trying to send and receive
The proximity sample works fine however I would like to send and receive ADPU’s to the contactless smartcard using the OM5577 on Raspberry Pi 3.
The code to find the reader
returns no readers.
DeviceInformationCollection devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(SmartCardReader.GetDeviceSelector(SmartCardReaderKind.Any));
Is this API supported? (Windows.Devices.Smartcards)
I think smart card API access is not possible because there is no Smart card service in windows 10 IOT OS. Additional information, there is no proximity service as well in windows IOT OS.
If you want to access Smart card, i would suggest you to use one of the Smart card driver ioctl (Smart Card Driver IOCTLs (Windows Drivers) )
Hello, are there any solutions for this problem?
We also need to access the PN7120 via the SmartCards API.
Hello Vicente,
Firstly, when you use windows API to access NFC reader, no errors occured on API, so it means NXP-NCI(windows API for NFC) has been supported in windows10 iot SDK for Raspberry Pi 3.
But the value API retruned was no readers, it seemed that PN7120 driver was not installed in windows10 IOT core by default, so you can try to re-install PN7120 driver on your platform, the following link is driver files for PN7120:
---- PN71x0 on RPI winIoT driver installation files (REV 1.1)
This package contains the files for the driver to run the NFC Controller (PN7150 or PN7120) on Raspberry Pi in Windows IoT.
In addition, you can also refer to AN11646 document: http://www.nxp.com/documents/application_note/AN11646.pdf
Best Regards,
Are you sure that the driver is compatible with SmartCards API because I can't access the device too with this API. It seems it works only with Proximity API. I'm really disappointed by this product.