My CLRC663 reader keeps giving interrupt in LPCD mode

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My CLRC663 reader keeps giving interrupt in LPCD mode

Contributor III

Hi all,

I am working on RFID project and am using CLRC663 plus reader and STM32L0. So far I could read UID, atqa, and managed to read and write from/to tag. Now I am working on LPCD mode and am tuning my antenna to get the best range however the problem is my project needs very low power consumption at the moment I am getting 1.5mA in LPCD mode which is far more than I am expecting and I think the reason is my continuous interrupt, i am getting in IRQ pin! which is a bit strange! all my interrupts are disabled and only LPCD interrupt is enabled and I do not understand why I keep getting interrupt even when the card is not presented! Going deep into this, I found out that this interrupt is happening exactly at the time T4 is underflows however T4 is not set to give interrupt! I am so confused. Does anyone have the same problem or Is it at all normal to get interrupt in LPCD mode continuously? I really appreciate any help.Thanks.

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