I'm using NFC Cockpit and CLEV6630B board and I get these messages:
[2018.03.09 11:19:07]:INFO:ServiceFactory:Generating Services for VCOM_RC663 @COM3
[2018.03.09 11:19:07]:ERROR:ServiceFactory:Invalid Interrupt Trigger Detected!!
[2018.03.09 11:19:07]:ERROR:ServiceFactory:m_bal.SetConfig(HalHwType,RC663) failed. Status=GENERIC,USE_CONDITION
[2018.03.09 11:19:07]:ERROR:ServiceFactory:generateServices(VCOM_RC663 @COM3) Failed with GENERIC,USE_CONDITION
[2018.03.09 11:19:07]:INFO:ServiceFactory:uC FW Version: NNC_uC_VCOM_01.01.00_20170130 (Compiled on Feb 2 2017 14:36:40)
[2018.03.09 11:19:07]:WARN:ServiceFactory:Please use the MicroController FW provided with this version of the GUI
[2018.03.09 11:19:07]:ERROR:ServiceFactory:SelectBalHalOsal(selected_board) Failed with GENERIC,USE_CONDITION
[2018.03.09 11:19:07]:WARN:UcVcomBalDelegate:Assuming Secondary FW Upgrade is supported
Under the tab "extra" there's only a tab "Secondary FW". I've found a folder called C:\nxp\NxpNfcCockpit_v4.7.0.0\firmware\Secondary_RC663, which looks like the most relevant one. The readme there says:
Binaries for LPC1769 :
RC663 Board Nfcrdlib_SimplifiedAPI_EMVCo_Secondary.bin: (For IDE)
- Reference secondary Firmware to be run on LPC1769 on the given Board - This file should be loaded through Secondary FW Upload feature of the GUI on LP1769 - This reference applicaiton implement 3 Minimal RTOS Tasks to perform RF On/OFF and ON-OFF - This applicaiton implements EMVCo Loop Back
BootLoader_And_Nfcrdlib_SimplifiedAPI_EMVCo_Secondary.bin: (For Debuggers)
- Binary file that has already stacked Boot loader from address 0x0000 onwards and Upper Secondary Application at address 0x4000. This file can be used to flash on LPC1769 as a single binary from address 0x0000 onwards using relevant Debuggers/Flash Programmers.
extra/BootLoader_And_phRfOnOff_Secondary.bin: - Similar to Nfcrdlib_SimplifiedAPI_EMVCo_Secondary, but a minimal firmware that can be used to just perform RF On/RF Off for testing.
which one is relevant for the intended out-of-the-box functionality?
If I need to use older version of NFC Cockpit, where can I download it?
Ok, I was able to find 4.0.0, and it worked