Prepare CLEV663B board for NFC reader library porting

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Prepare CLEV663B board for NFC reader library porting

Prepare CLEV663B board for NFC reader library porting

The latest NFC reader library for CLRC663 just supports LPCXpresso1769 and FRDM-K82 boards, so when customers want to porting the library to other host controller, they have to make a custom board at first, or use OM26630FDK and make a little hardware modification by following the steps described in to connect the frontend board with host controller board, but today we will discuss an alternative way.

The CLEV663B Blueboard is a pure NFC frontend board, and it supports connecting with LPCXpresso board not limited with LPC1769, the main difference with OM26630FDK is the reader IC, which is CLRC663 not CLRC663 plus, but fortunately they are pin to pin compatible, so we may replace it with CLRC663 plus, and use that board for porting purpose.





please forgive my poor soldering skill...

With this new board and LPC1769 Xpresso board, you may run the latest 5.12 NFC reader library, for example, the NfcrdlibEx1_BasicDiscoveryLoop demo. but you might have the following issue:


This is due to ver 5.12 use another set of IO pins to connect with the reader IC, modify pin definitions in Board_Lpc1769Rc663.h can fix this issue.


The final result is as below:


Please note, it is recommended using NFC reader library ver 4.03 to test the hardware including CLEV663B and LPC1769Xpresso before replacing with CLRC663 plus, and you know, CLEV663B Blueboard is just optimized for CLRC663 , so the matching circuit is not the best for CLRC663 plus, it is just good enough to run the demo, so that we may know if the porting is successful, but if you want to have the best performance with CLRC663 plus, you have to redo the antenna tuning, and you may refer to for more details on that topic.

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Last update:
‎05-13-2018 11:53 PM
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