Hi Bryan,
The f16TransCharError has moved to rs_measure.c in MCRSP_PMSM v1.2.0. The array is used for inverter nonlinearities compensation during stator resistance identification (see AN5237 chapters 5.1.1 and 5.1.2). In the embedded code this array is filled with default data. When doing Identification in MCAT, the array is filled with values from MCAT User_HW_CalibTable or FSL_HW_CalibTable param file (MCRSP_PMSM_V1.2.0\freemaster\mcat\param_files\) and used for phase voltage correction. You can get the inverter characteristic(see AN5237 chapter 5.1.1), then the characteristic data are stored in User_HW_CalibTable.
Hi Bryan,
It is a linker error saying that the code doesn't fit into Flash. TWR-KV10 board is populated with a chip with 32KB Flash. The embedded code itself has about 24KB. However, there is a TSA (Target Side Addressing) feature used at communication with FreeMASTER by default. TSA uses extra Flash and causes the overflow over 32KB. At projects with KV10 the TSA feature must be turned off (#define BOARD_FMSTR_USE_TSA (0) in board.h). Then you must select the Symbol file in FreeMASTER (at IAR *.out) manually. See (see PMSMCRSPUG chapter 8.2.1 how to do that. Remember to select the file corresponding to the actual code (debug vs. release and _demo vs. _ref_sol).