S32K3X4EVB-T172 with MBD
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any code generated and deplyed to the board cause reset led flickering "sequential reset"
I exported the code to debug it found that this generated function casue to jump to reset handler
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Same as @SParihar was facing the same problem, board was resetting after deploying the program. But after changing the J31 position, the code is downloading in the board properly.
Do you know if there is a permanent solution for this @georgevictor? If we want to enable the FS26.
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Hi, @MarcoRdzGmz,
For the problem you are experiencing, I suggest enabling the following checkbox: Mcu Disable Power Management Controller Initialization in Mcu tab - General tab (EBtresos) / McuGeneralConfiguration tab (S32 Configuration Tool):
More information about this topic can be found in the following Community thread, but in short, when MCU Disable Power Management Controller Initialization is enabled, the Last Mile Regulator is successfully turned on, and the MCU works in Full Performance Mode.
Please try this solution and let us know if the problem is resolved.
Best regards,
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After deploying any model "as example blink led matlab model" on the board
its reset led keeps blinking "continuous reset as indication for fault which cause to reset the controller"
I also tried the supported examples but no one for the bord S32K3X4EVB-T172 only for Q172 "has the same problem"
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Hi, @mohamed-moustafa,
It appears that your board keeps resetting, a problem that might be brought on by the incorrect initialization of the SBC. To prevent an incorrect SBC initialization, after connecting your 12V power supply to the board, please turn it on using the power switch, or, run a power cycle.
Please let me know if this helps.
Have a nice day,
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unfortunately no difference
"I am start with power switch off ,connect usb then switch it on same reseting case"
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Hi, @mohamed-moustafa,
I am sorry that the initial proposal wasn't a quick fix.
I see that you tried to debug the application in S32DS after exporting the code. I'll ask you a few questions that might help us figure out how to resolve your problem as follows:
1. Each peripheral used by the application is initialized inside the board_init() function. Could you tell us which line in the board_init() function results in the jump to the reset handler?
2. Could you send us a photo of your board?
3. Have you used any of the other examples we provided to check the board functionality?
Please try to download other applications onto the board to see if the issue persists. The majority of our examples delivered with the toolbox are configured for the S32K344-Q257 processor, but, as stated in the readme file of each example, they can easily be used for multiple hardware parts. The S32K3X4EVB-T172 board that you are using has the same processor (S32K344-Q172 Hardware Part selection) as the S32K3X4EVB-Q172 board used to validated our examples. Therefore, when you build an application, make sure the Hardware Part is set to S32K344-Q172.
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If it is possibe to send me a simulink example"blink led" folder to run and test without any editings needed
on MATLAB 2021a
this will be more efficient
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All supported examples cause the same problem
After debugging I think the main problem related to PMC
I cannot detect the actual line casues the reset but it is entire this function
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actually what happening is when get oy from Mcu_Init and try to step into Mcu_InitClock
it is go to reset handler
Cannot determine the main cause
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Hi, @mohamed-moustafa ,
I hope this finds you well.
I have managed to reproduce the sequential reset of the S32K3X4EVB-T172 on my side.
As a quick fix until we will find what is the root cause that generates the reset issue I advise you to verify the J31 jumper that is found next to the MCU on the evaluation board and set it to 2-3. The 2-3 configuration provides a power supply for the MCU V15 input from the VDD_HV_B supply. As default, the jumper is configured on 1-2 and the MCU V15 input is powered by the FS26_VCORE supply of the FS26 SBC. For this particular board, the jumper that is set to 1-2 causes the MCU to reset for some applications.
Hope this helps until we will finish an in-depth investigation for this issue.
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Was facing the same problem, board was resetting after deploying the program. But after changing the J31 position, the code is downloading in the board properly.
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I am not able to detect the problem and how to fix