Problem with bootloader_vybrid on Vybrid DS-5 Win7

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Problem with bootloader_vybrid on Vybrid DS-5 Win7

Contributor IV

I am using win 7 64bit with MQX4.2 and DS-5 5.23.1(32bit). I am able to build project and it is working when I upload *.bin files to SD card (MQX on A5 and Baremetal project on M4). But I am unable to debug bootloader from your examples (bootloader_vybrid) on A5 there is always error (picture attached). I can debug both applications for A5 and M4 core but not bootloader.
I have tried same bootloader example under Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32bit, MQX RTOS 4.2.0 and linux version of DS-5 5.23.1). On Linux version of DS5 is no problem to debug bootloader and it is fully functional. Do you have any idea why is it not working on windows?DS5.jpg

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5 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Let me try to find the reason of the problem.

Have you tried with a different DS-5 version?

Best Regards,


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Contributor IV

I have ran project on different PC with Win7 32bit and with installation MQX4_2 and DS-5 v5.23.1. Project behaves same way as in previous cases. I am attaching my project, which gives me error when I run it in debug mode. Do you can run it on Tower at your office? Do you can check if project settings is ok? I am attaching user_config as well. With PSP and BSP would be zip too big.

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Contributor IV

I have tested my project with older version of DS-5 5.22. It behaves same way. When I import same project to Linux and its version of DS-5 and I just change all necessarily paths I am able to debug it without problems.

I have no idea what to do next.

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Contributor IV

Hi Alejandro,
I will try different version of DS-5 at weekend. I have tried only different MQX4.1_Vybrid. With that it behaves same way. Same version of DS-5 just for Linux with MQX4.2 it is working just fine.
I think it is problem with debugger or file that it uses for its settings probably from MQX4.2. I can transfer my compiled code to SD card and run it. When I use Baremetal project I am able to debug it, transfer it to SD card and run it. Yesterday I was working with that Baremetal project and it works fine but when I ran this project today it is behave same way as other projects. I have few Eclipse based IDE's. I am using these IDE's each for different type of project. Is it possible that this could be the cause? Could they affects its settings for projects or for them selfs somehow?
I am attaching warnings and errors from different example project with MQX4.2, DS-5 v5.23.1 win7:


I do not know if it is related but I have also problem with cloning MQX4.2 library. I have tried that on two PCs both with win7. I have compiled MQX4.1 without problems. Details are in thread below:

Cloning Wizard MQX4.2 Vybrid error

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Contributor IV

I have tried one more thing. I have ran new project with dual_core_ds5_m4 example. This project occasionally run in debuger correctly. I have tried various combinations of HW interconnection (different USB port, shorter cabel, unplug USB before every run,...). I still don't have clue what could go wrong. Below is attached output for both cases:



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