Porting the MQX RTOS to specific Microcontroller

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Porting the MQX RTOS to specific Microcontroller

Contributor I

I need the reference document for porting the MQX RTOS to specific microcontroller.


I am new to microcontroller domain, so I need the document, which explains that how to configure the microcontroller registers and its devices to MQX RTOS, i.e. taking one specific microcontroller and explains how can we port the MQX RTOS to this microcontroller. E.g. how MQX ROTS is ported into m52259evb board, explain the steps.


MQX User's Guide explains that generic porting details, user configuration, board specific files, platform specific files, but i need that in that file, what we have to do?



N Balaji

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Senior Contributor I

For the microcontrollers and microprocessors supported by the downloadable version of MQX the license fee for the software is included in the price of the silicon. For other devices a license fee does apply and consequently the license agreement for the downloadable version of MQX does not permit porting of the software to other devices. Full support for all ColdFire, most Power Architecture, and some i.MX devices is available. Please see  http://www.embedded-access.com/processors.html or contact sales@embedded-access.com if you have any questions.


Thank you