MQX USB stack with vendor specific class

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MQX USB stack with vendor specific class

Contributor I


I'm trying to interface a Telit LE920 module to a custom board with a ColdFire CPU and MQX 3.8 via USB.

This module generates 5 serial port on my PC but when I connect it to my board, nothing happens.

Defining _HOST_DEBUG i found that the module is recognized, but the stack doesn't find any match in the driver info table.

So I modify the driver info table as follows:

static  USB_HOST_DRIVER_INFO DriverInfoTable[] =



      {0x00,0x00},                  /* Vendor ID per USB-IF             */

      {0x00,0x00},                  /* Product ID per manufacturer      */

      0xFF,//USB_CLASS_COMMUNICATION,      /* Class code                       */

      0xFF,//USB_SUBCLASS_COM_ABSTRACT,    /* Sub-Class code                   */

      0xFF,                         /* Protocol                         */

      0,                            /* Reserved                         */

      usb_host_cdc_acm_event        /* Application call back function   */


Now the stack calls the function usb_host_cdc_acm_event() but it is not able to find the class to use because it's value is 0xFF from the device descriptor ( it's 0xFF also on my PC ).

What I have to do to handle the Vendor Specific Class? I fails in the function _usb_hostdev_select_interface().

The source code i'm using is in the folder host\example\cdc\cdc_serial\cdc_serial.c

Thank you


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2 Replies

Senior Contributor II


How did you go with this project? Has any one else got the serial CDC driver working with Telit modules?

I am looking to start a new project using my MQX design and adding the telit module to the USB port. What is involved in getting the CDC driver working so the serial ports work?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Diego:

Freescale only supports audio, cdc, hid, msd, phdc classes. not supports vendor specific  class,  you need to implement vendor specific class by yourself.

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