I have used MQX 3.8 and Code Warrior 10.2 about one year. Lately I have tried to upgrade MQX 4.0. I have specified a new work space to build MQX 4.0 BSP/PSP and specified another work space to create my project. I have no problem to build BSP/PSP, but I have faced an error which saying "Selected board requires MQX version which is not installed." I have TWRK60F120M. When I build MQX 4.0 BSP and PSP, both bsp_twrk60f120m and psp_twrk60f120m are on the list. I have uninstalled MQX 4.0 and installed it again. I still have issue to build new project. When I try to build the project, I will see the errors like these:
mingw32-make:***[test1.afx] Error 1
Undefined: "_int_disable"
I have attached a file showing the errors.
I need to describe this issue in detail:
I don't have this issue with MQX 3.8. This issue only happens with MQX 4.0. I use Code Warrior 10.2. My PC has Windows 7 and it is 32-bit CPU.
I have down loaded FSLMQXOS_4_0_1.exe. I install MQX 4.0 at C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0.
I open CW and the press "File --> Switch Workspace --> Others...", Broose to Workspace I want. Since this is not same Workspace as MQX 3.8, the first time I need to click "Go to Work bench". After that I import the following projects to build MQX 4.0:
Press "File --> Import...", from pop up Window, select "General --> Existing Projects into Workspace --> Next --> Browse --> C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0\mqx\build\cw10\bsp_twrk60f120m". Similarly import psp_twrk60f120m, mfs_twrk60f120m, rtcs_twrk60f120m, shell_twrk60f120m. Edit user_config.h file and then build both Release and Debug for all of them.
Switch Workspace to another place to create my own project.
Press "File --> New --> MQX 4.0 project --> test3 --> Next --> Kinetis Evaluation Boards --> TWRK60F120M Board --> Next --> New application --> Next --> Add MFS support, Add Shell support, Add RTCS support --> Next --> Empty application --> Next --> Next --> Check P&E Universal/USB MultiLink --> Finish", select target as "flash debug" and build the project.
The error list:
Undefined: "_mqx_exit"
Link failed.
mingw32-make:***[test3.afx] Error 1
Undefined: "_io_printf"
Undefined: "_mqx_kernel_data"
Undefined: "_mqx"
I have uninstalled MQX 4.0 and re-installed it again. I have same errors.
Could somebody help me? Thanks!
I have the same problem as you, I am using cw11.1 and mqx4.0. I did reinstall both of them many times,
but still the same problem.
my system is win7 enterprise.
thanks everybody!
I would suggest you create a new thread for your issue.
Hi Martin and Monica,
I am sorry that I didn't give you two a follow up soon.
I have got rid of this issue eventually. I submitted a service request and the suggestion I got is to un-install and install both MQX 4.0 and CW 10.2 again. I have been advised to upgrade to CW 10.4 if re-install still doesn't work.
I not only uninstalled MQX 4.0 and CW 10.2, but also uninstalled MQX 3.8. Before I install CW 10.2 and MQX 4.0 again, I also manually deleted any subfolder existed on my hard drive under C:\Freescale. Fortunately I have got CW 10.2 work. I can compile my project. The only problem I have is that SPI I/O driver has been changed. My SPI slave interrupt code doesn't work. I am not sure if I need to re-write SPI slave driver or use SPI legacy driver at this moment.
Hello Lisa Fu,
I have not experienced your error so far so I am going to pinpoint you to where I would look.
Can you check your system variables, what values are MQX_ROOT and probably also MQX_PATH? Verify linked resources in your project settings, there are variables like MQX_ROOT_DIR (go to Properties of your project -> Resources -> Linked resources).