Hi, I have read AN3854 concerning this topic, however, this AN doesn't mention modifications to .lcf and I am not sure If modifications are required.
I also know that the 52259EVB have an external MRAM connected to this bus, but I haven't seen any
explanation about the .lcf file in the examples provided, neither an example of an application using this
external memory.
I am just starting with this part of the project and I might have missed some important documentation, please let me know if anyone knows about documentations or examples about this topic.
Thanks in advanced,
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
in the BSP project, in the file bsp_init.c, function mcf5225_init, you will find:
/* Enable Mini FlexBUS signals (used by external MRAM and CPLD) */
reg_ptr->GPIO.PASPAR = 0x20; /* enable CS1 operation for CPLD */
reg_ptr->GPIO.PTEPAR = 0xff;
reg_ptr->GPIO.PTFPAR = 0xff;
reg_ptr->GPIO.PTGPAR = 0xff; /* enable CS0 operation for MRAM */
reg_ptr->GPIO.PTHPAR = 0x5555;
/* Enable external MRAM mapped on CS0 */
reg_ptr->FB.CSAR0 = 0x10000000; /* CS0 base address */
reg_ptr->FB.CSCR0 = 0x00000540; /* CS0 control (8bit data, 1 waitstate) */
reg_ptr->FB.CSMR0 = 0x00070001; /* CS0 address mask and enable */
The extmram.lcf file used by the web_hvac demo shows an example of using the MRAM.
The linker file defines some symbols:
___EXTERNAL_MRAM_ROM_BASE = 0x10000000;
___EXTERNAL_MRAM_ROM_SIZE = 0x00060000;
___EXTERNAL_MRAM_RAM_BASE = 0x10060000;
___EXTERNAL_MRAM_RAM_SIZE = 0x00020000;
The way the MRAM was carved up between ROM, or code space, and RAM was arbitrary.
For rhe RAM portion, the BSP then defines :
Then the web HVAC demo carves up the MRAM RAM :
#define DEMOCFG_RTCS_POOL_SIZE 0x0000A000
#define DEMOCFG_MFS_POOL_SIZE 0x00002000
#define DEMOCFG_KLOG_SIZE 4000
and then it is used in the application, for example, to set up a memory pool for RTCS:
_RTCS_mem_pool = _mem_create_pool((pointer)DEMOCFG_RTCS_POOL_ADDR, DEMOCFG_RTCS_POOL_SIZE);
In which file do you put the following lines:
For rhe RAM portion, the BSP then defines :
And where do put this line ?
Then the web HVAC demo carves up the MRAM RAM :
#define DEMOCFG_RTCS_POOL_SIZE 0x0000A000
#define DEMOCFG_MFS_POOL_SIZE 0x00002000
#define DEMOCFG_KLOG_SIZE 4000
Thank you for your answer, things are starting to get clear.
What if I want to use external RAM for stack?
You can create a task that has it's stack in ext. ram by calling _task_create_at
_task_id _task_create_at
/* [IN] the processor upon which to create the task */
_processor_number processor_number,
/* [IN] the task template index number for this task */
_mqx_uint template_index,
/* [IN] the parameter to pass to the newly created task */
uint_32 parameter,
/* [IN] the location where the stack and TD are to be created */
pointer stack_ptr,
/* [IN] the size of the stack */
_mem_size stack_size
This function is not documented in the reference manual.
Thats exactly what I need, now I am looking for the mini Flexbus initialization code in the web_hvac application in order to make the changes to use my external SRAM and not the MRAM provided with the
M52259EVB. I have looked for the following code mentioned in the AN3854 but search haven't returned anything.
MCF_GPIO_PTEPAR = 0xFF; //Enable Address Lines A0-A7
MCF_GPIO_PTFPAR = 0xFF; //Enable Address Lines A8-A15
MCF_GPIO_PTGPAR = 0xFF; //Enable Address Lines A16-A19
MCF_GPIO_PTHPAR = 0x5555; //Enable Data Lines D0-D7
MCF_GPIO_PASPAR = 0x20; //Enable FB_CS1 function
Do you have an idea what should I look for?
in the BSP project, in the file bsp_init.c, function mcf5225_init, you will find:
/* Enable Mini FlexBUS signals (used by external MRAM and CPLD) */
reg_ptr->GPIO.PASPAR = 0x20; /* enable CS1 operation for CPLD */
reg_ptr->GPIO.PTEPAR = 0xff;
reg_ptr->GPIO.PTFPAR = 0xff;
reg_ptr->GPIO.PTGPAR = 0xff; /* enable CS0 operation for MRAM */
reg_ptr->GPIO.PTHPAR = 0x5555;
/* Enable external MRAM mapped on CS0 */
reg_ptr->FB.CSAR0 = 0x10000000; /* CS0 base address */
reg_ptr->FB.CSCR0 = 0x00000540; /* CS0 control (8bit data, 1 waitstate) */
reg_ptr->FB.CSMR0 = 0x00070001; /* CS0 address mask and enable */
This thread was quite helpful to me in bringing up the external sram up and running in my app spec board, the attached app note I used for making my sram accessible.
did not modified the NVRAM start address of MCF52259EVB - used the same address with different size in Base address mask register. I used following configuration in control,mask and base addr registers for mini flex bus in bsp_init.c...
/* Enable Mini FlexBUS signals (used by external MRAM and CPLD) */ reg_ptr->GPIO.PASPAR = 0x10; reg_ptr->GPIO.PTEPAR = 0xff; reg_ptr->GPIO.PTFPAR = 0xff; reg_ptr->GPIO.PTGPAR = 0xff; reg_ptr->GPIO.PTHPAR = 0x0000; reg_ptr->GPIO.DDRTH = 0xff; reg_ptr->GPIO.PORTTH = 0x00; /* Enable external MRAM mapped on CS0 */ reg_ptr->FB.CSAR0 = 0x10000000; /* CS0 base address */ reg_ptr->FB.CSCR0 = 0x00301780; /* port size = 16 bit, 5- ws, multiplex mode, auto acknowledge enable, address setup - 11*/ reg_ptr->FB.CSMR0 = 0x00010001; /* size 128 kb */
With this initialization and following code I could access the external SRAM I configured
*((unsigned short int *)0x10000000) = 0x1517; *((unsigned short int *)0x10000002) = 0x1518; *((unsigned short int *)0x10000004) = 0x1519; *((unsigned short int *)0x10000006) = 0x151A;
Question - when I try to use _task_create_at or memory pool creation with pointer at this external sram address it gives error.
Error while _task_create_at -> unhandled interrupt
Error while memory pool creation -> memory pool size too small.
using following code for both task creation and memory pool creation
#define DEMOCFG_RTCS_POOL_ADDR (uint_32)(BSP_EXTERNAL_SRAM_BASE)#define DEMOCFG_RTCS_POOL_SIZE 0x000100pointer pt = BSP_EXTERNAL_MRAM_BASE;....................tid = _task_create_at(0, TEST_TASK1, TEST_TASK1_PARAM, pt,TEST_STACK_SIZE);................._RTCS_mem_pool = _mem_create_pool((pointer)DEMOCFG_RTCS_POOL_ADDR, DEMOCFG_RTCS_POOL_SIZE);
Any idea why MQX is giving error in both of the above function calls - is the memory endienness or byte/word access which MQX needs specifically ? I am using here the mux mode in 16 bit memory configurations...
Thanks for your time in reading this long thread and waiting for replies